This is the most common problem faced by women nowadays, almost 1 out of 4 is suffering from this. Here they face problems in conceiving as it needs healthy fallopian tubes but when it gets blocked there are high chances of infertility. Let’s just have a thorough understanding of it and we recommend women take precautions for this and take a deep understanding to know the reason behind any such infertility problem. don’t be careless about it get in touch with the specialist as soon as possible if you are feeling something wrong.

What is tubal blockage?

Fallopian tubes are part of the female reproductive organs that connect the ovaries and uterus. Several reasons block the passage of sperm to reach the egg and cause infertility. If we talk about few common causes for it include scar tissue, infection, and pelvic adhesions.

What causes tubal blockage?

As we have mentioned earlier that it have several reasons for tubal blockage but here are some clues through which reasons can be found.

  • Proximal blockage is called blockage when it is found near the uterus and happens due to tubal spasms, inflammatory conditions, or blockage from debris.
  • Mid-segment blockage when there is a problem or blockage in the middle of the fallopian tube happens due to tubal ligation, prior ectopic pregnancy, or endometriosis.
  • Distal blockage happens on the end of the fallopian tubes due to prior pelvic infections or extensive endometriosis.

Other causes:

  • Sexually transmitted disease which causes scarring and leads to pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Fibroids are the worst reason for tubal blockage
  • Any past surgery closed to fallopian tubes 

Symptoms of tubal blockage:

There are no such visible symptoms but the only thing is to face difficulty in getting pregnant. They will not know anything until or unless it causes trouble and in some very rare cases, women feel mild, regular pain on one side of the abdomen this problem is known as hydrosalpinx because this time fluid fills in the tube and enlarges it. In addition, if there are problems like fibroids and endometriosis, it causes painful and heavy bleeding periods and a risk of tubal blockage.

Effects of tubal blockage on fertility:

There are two types of fallopian tubal blockage. The first type is known when only the fallopian tube is blocked and it gives a chance to get pregnant but when both the tubes are blocked it causes difficulty in pregnancy and in these cases in vitro fertilisation is taken into consideration.


Due to its variety of causes, it becomes a severe process to diagnose the problem. These tubes can open and close in their way and fewer times it gets tough to know if is it just blocked or closed. There are a few tests to diagnose tubal blockage discussed in detail below:

  • HSG or hysterosalpingogram:- it is an X-ray test in which a doctor injects a harmless dye into the uterine cavity which flows through the fallopian tubes where strains are visible in X-ray if the tubes are blocked or not and also helps to know which part of the fallopian tube is blocked.
  • Selective salpingogram:- This is an enhanced version of HSG where fluid is injected separately in the tubes which indicates the blockage and also allows tubes to unblock.
  • Saline “bubble test”:- again a contrast was injected to determine the problem
  • Laparoscopy:- It is considered one of the most accurate tubes to diagnose a tubal blockage in which a wire connected with a camera has been put inside the body through the cut made by the doctor which gives a clear image of the problem and later on effective treatment is given.

These are the tests suggested by the doctor if any such problem is found and in addition, proper treatment is taken into consideration.

Treatment of tubal block

Often the problem can be cured with proper medication and if not then the patient will be asked for laparoscopic surgery. For those who want effective results and thinking of getting pregnant IVF is suggested and later on procedures to repair and unblock tubes are taken.

Here doctors recommend surgery with the purpose of:

  • Removing scar tissue
  • Made a way to pass through sperm externally
  • Open up the fallopian tubes internally

In addition, the following are the treatments: Fallopian tube recanalization, tubo tubal anastomosis, and fimbrioplasty.

Factors taken into concern:

  • Age of the patient
  • Medical history and severeness

Ayu fertility: your cure, our care

We have a team of the most experienced professionals who aim to provide quality service with natural treatment only. Our gynecology branch is aiming that every individual should care about their reproductive health and provide treatment related to all these and have the best treatment for infertility problems.

Comprehensive solution

 We want everyone to know that infertility is not a curse and can be wisely treated with utmost care and the right treatment. We serve you the best tubal blockage treatment in Delhi with a very effective procedure and herbal ingredients. We are focused on comprehensive solutions and take every treatment with deep understanding to know the root cause to give the right treatment. Our treatment begins with guiding our patient because we believe that self-healing also plays an important role throughout the process and in addition also suggests the right tips to follow for a healthy body.


Our services are our priority and in every treatment, we aim for health give proper support and care to the patient, and listen carefully to make sure the patient feels comfortable and trusts us for the right care and treatment. We have years of experience in the field and with every upcoming day, we are trying to learn something new to stay updated with the latest technology so that we don’t leave behind with the motive to inform people that ayurvedic tubal blockage treatment is best and have a proper cure.

We have thousands of satisfied patients till now and look forward to helping everyone with the quality treatment we provide along with tubal blockages like endometriosis, fibroids, and male infertility. Check out the website to learn more about Ayu fertility and effective services.

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